Baby8 Version 2 Mod – Adding A Pause

First off we owe a massive thank you to Krzysztof Zawadzki for asking for a mod to turn the reset switches into pause switches.The baby8 version 2 kit uses the switches to select the number of steps from 1 to 8. This modification however allows the switches to turn steps 2 to 8 gate/trigger signal out off, which would allow for more rhythmic sequencing. This is definitely something we will be adding in version 3 of the Baby8 but for now, for those of you who have the current version and want to know how to do it, here is our method:

WARNING!! The mod is not completely straightforward and includes cutting traces.

You’ll need:

  • A Rakit baby8 sequencer

  • Sharp Knife

  • 1″ insulated wire

  • 2 resistors of any value between 4k and 50k

  • Soldering tools

 Step 1. Using a sharp knife cut the two traces indicated below.

Traces cut!

 Step 2. Mould and cut two resistors (I used 10ks) as shown below.


Step 3.Solder in place. Make sure they do not touch any joints besides the ends shown soldered.

Step 4. Install wire


Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section!!

6 thoughts on “Baby8 Version 2 Mod – Adding A Pause

  1. Steve Norman says:

    Hi everyone at Rakit HQ.First of all I love your kits and how they sound.I will be purchasing soon (I have two projects on the go already)! Just a question about the Baby8,can two be linked in series to make a 16 note sequencer?
    Many thanks, Steve.

    • makearakit says:

      Hi Steve, Unfortunately the baby8 cannot be linked to make a 16 step sequencer. It has been requested a few times now, so if I ever got around to a v4 I would try and shoehorn it in. Best, Darren.

  2. Gilian Van daele says:

    Hey could i trigger / sinc tempo with ableton….. Maybe midi to cv gate … Im new to this but any advice is appreciated .

    • makearakit says:

      Actually, I’m somewhat clueless when it comes to syncing the baby8(or any piece of equipment) to a DAW. Midi to gate sounds likely, but it would have to behave like a clock with a pulse at every desired step.
      I would start with a midi to gate, but am ultimately unsure what to do from there.

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